Pets of the Week
Each week Have a Heart Pet Shelter features a couple of our adoptable pets who are looking for their fur-ever home. This week our kitty Wicket gets the top spot. Wicket arrived at the shelter on Feb 12th. He is a large, sweet blue point Siamese male who LOVES belly rubs. He was born into foster care on 02/13/17 so he is about 2 years young. Wicket is not very vocal and is a laid-back guy with gorgeous crystal blue eyes. He would love to snuggle up with you after you’ve had a tough day at work. Pay a visit to Have a Heart to meet Wicket and our other sweet adoptable cats and kittens.

Pandora is our featured dog for the week. She is a pretty girl with a brindle and cream colored coat. Pandora came to us from local Animal Control after they found her very skinny and dehydrated. She has now put on weight (now weighs 41 lbs) and has been spayed, so she is ready for adoption. Pandora is a young (2 year old), girl who is very active and intelligent. We were told she previously lived in a house with other dogs and children. At the Shelter she gets along great with all the dog walkers, but she is a little choosy about her dog friends. We’re not sure how she feels about cats. You can meet Pandora and our other adoptable dogs at HAH.

Last week’s article mentioned some of HAH’s accomplishments from 2018. Here are a few of the Shelter’s goals for 2019. Have a Heart hopes to complete the remodel of the cat Quarantine area, complete installation of the Pet Point Information System, install a security system, obtain a Grant to construct a surgical suite, andresearch to find the best material to place between kennels to reduce contact between dogs. In addition, we will proceed with the merger of Have a Heart Pet Shelter and the Volunteer Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic. A goal of the Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic is to achieve 1000 sterilizations for 2019. This will help stop the never ending stream of unwanted puppies and kittens. Speaking of unwanted puppies; HAH is sending 14 puppies on transport to Puppy Rescues this week and, in addition, has 28 puppies scheduled to go the following week. This is why HAH keeps preaching to SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS! Registration for the few remaining spots in the April 9th through 12th Spay and Neuter Clinic will be this Friday, March 1st from 10am –2pm at the Shelter. There will also be a waiting list in case there are any cancellations. If you are interested in seeing how the Spay and Neuter Clinic operates, you can sign up to be a volunteer and work the clinic. It’s a great experience and you can walk away knowing that you did something to help curb the overpopulation of cats and dogs in our area. Contact Have a Heart for more information on volunteering. Everything that is accomplished is done by our awesome volunteers. Thanks to all who pitch in to help. Have a Heart is located at 657 Highway 202 in Yellville. Hours are 9 am to 3 pm Tuesday through Saturday. Phone 870-449-7387.