Pet of the Week
Last week Have a Heart was super busy hosting the Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic. There was such a great response for the Clinic that we ended up having it for four days, instead of the usual three. This requires the work of a lot from our volunteers, but it’s definitely worth all the effort that is put forth. During the four days, 64 cats and 76 dogs were sterilized. Hopefully, this will eventually result in a reduction in the number of unwanted puppies and kittens in our area. Thanks again to everyone who volunteered or donated for the Clinics.
Our featured Kitty this week is Cecile. Cecile is a young adult female cat born Oct 25th, 2016. She is a GORGEOUS vivid colored tortoiseshell tabby, otherwise known as a Torbie. She was abandoned along with her housemate, Loki, when their owner moved away. She’s a sweet girl who would love to have a home of her own after cruelly being behind left behind. Visit the Shelter to meet Cecile and our other adoptable cats and kittens. You may just find the friend you’ve been looking for.
We are not featuring a specific dog this week. Instead we would like to share the story of one of our recent arrivals. If you regularly travel Highway 62 near Georges Creek, you may have seen the stray black dog wandering along the roadside. Have a Heart started receiving calls about this dog on April 3rd. Everyone was concerned that she would be hit by a passing motorist. A couple of our volunteers went looking for her and spotted her on the 5th. She would not come to our volunteers, but we started leaving food for her daily. She became a bit more trusting, but still would not come close enough to be caught. She was at a huge risk of being hit on that busy road, so a live trap was set and she was trapped on the first attempt on April 9th. She was named Georgie since she was caught near Georges Creek. She is now eating well and getting accustomed to people. She is very skittish and she only trusts a couple of our volunteers to get close to her. Georgie looks like she’s mostly lab, seems to have a nice personality and has shown no signs of aggression. It will take a lot of work to get her to trust humans again, but if anyone can do it, our caring, compassionate volunteers can. Donations to help cover Georgie’s care would be greatly appreciated.
We’ve set the date for our 2nd annual Bark in the Park fundraiser. Mark your calendars for May 11th and plan to come out to enjoy the activities. Last year’s event was a lot of fun. Additional information will be published soon and watch for flyers around town. Have a Heart is located at 657 Highway 202 in Yellville. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 9am to 3 pm. Phone 870-449-7387.