This week Have a Heart hosted the second Volunteer Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic of 2020. All available openings filled very quickly, as did the stand-by list. During the 3 day clinic over 100 dogs and cats will be sterilized. Have a Heart conducts three (sometimes 4) clinics per year. This program operates solely through donations, both monetary and volunteer hours. At this time funds are very low for this program. Due to Covid-19, HAH was unable to hold the spring Bark in the Park fundraiser and also lost revenue since the Thrift Store was closed for several months. We are in need of donations so we can continue to offer assistance to low income families to get their pets spayed and neutered. S & N is the best way to prevent overcrowded shelters, abandoned pets and euthanizing domestic pets. If possible, please donate to help keep this valuable program running. Make sure you note on your donation that you would like the money to go to S & N. If you are unable to donate funds, perhaps you could donate a few hours of your time by volunteering to work the next Clinic in November.
Have a Heart would like to remind Marion County residents that we offer a Pet Food Assistance Program for Marion County residents who sometimes have a difficult time providing food for their pets due to financial hardship. Pet food is available for pickup during regular Shelter hours, Thursday through Saturday.
Several of our many kitties were adopted last week. Oriental kitties Spike and Lotus were adopted, in addition to three of the tabby kittens. There are still quite a few kittens needing forever homes.
Our featured kitty is Princess Leia. Leia was one of a number of cats that were rescued from a hoarding situation several weeks ago. She is a grey and white Siamese mix with beautiful pale blue eyes, estimated to be about one year old. She is very sweet and loves people. Princess Leia can knead a mean set of “kitty paw biscuits” and has a great purr motor.
This week’s featured dog is Buster. Buster was a stray from the Dodd City area. The person who found him tried to locate his owner for several weeks, but was unsuccessful so Buster ended up at the Shelter. Buster looks to be a bulldog mix about 6 years old. He is a well behaved dog, but needs a little time to warm up to new people. Buster would not do well in a house with children. He seems to be housebroken and is scheduled to be neutered. You can meet Buster, Princess Leia and other adoptable pets during regular Shelter hours, Thursday through Saturday 9 am to 3 pm. Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment only. Have a Heart is located at 657 Highway 202 in Yellville. Phone 870-449-7387.