Oh my goodness! This week, in the canine category, we have a couple of real cuties! Allow us to introduce Pete and RePete, two adorable brothers found as strays (believed to have been dumped) on MC 4044. Two very kind women picked them up and reached out to Have a Heart for assistance. As is so often the case, the Shelter was full, but these women kept them safe and cared for until we had room open up. Coming into the shelter in early May, Pete and RePete were still pretty thin and not in good health. They have now turned the corner and are starting to gain weight. Oh, and they’re getting very playful and a joy to watch. Estimated to be around six months old, these guys had a rough start in life but now they seem to just be so happy to be around caring folks, with a roof over their heads and food in their tummies. As with pretty much all rescued dogs, these guys know they have been saved and will always be grateful for any kindness shown.
Now, on the feline side of our Shelter, we want you to meet Ivan (“the Great”). This big boy weighs almost 20 healthy pounds! And, get this…he’s been a world traveler! We were told he is bilingual because he understands Japanese. His owner moved a lot and, finally, could not take him along. The Shelter can be a scary place for Ivan, so he spends a lot of time resting his head on his litter box wondering why he is here. But just look at that face! He may come across as quite shy here in the Shelter, but it’s because he can’t figure out what has happened. We are certain he would quickly adapt to a new home and human(s), because he’s lived in a number of homes due to his previous human moving so often.
If you’d like to meet Pete, RePete, Ivan or any of the other lovable babies here at Have a Heart, please come see us Wednesday – Saturday, 9 am to 3 pm at 657 Highway 202 W. in Yellville. Or give us a call at 870/449-7387. Hope to see you soon!!