Pets of the Week
It’s been a busy week at Have a Heart. Last week we held the Spay and Neuter clinic. A total of 111 dogs and cats were sterilized and can no longer contribute to the over abundance of unwanted animals. Thanks to all the owners who brought their fur-kids to the clinic and also thanks to all the volunteers who work so hard to make this happen. Make sure you support this community resource with a donation if possible. This week we are transporting 5 adult dogs and 17 puppies to out of state rescues. We simply have more dogs and puppies in our area needing homes, than families to adopt them. There is a lot of work involved to get these animals transported. You can’t just put them on the bus and kiss them goodbye. They all need to be de-wormed, up to date on shots, get health certificates from a veterinarian, and adult dogs must be micro-chipped. Then there’s the logistics of getting them where they need to be to meet the transport. This costs us a considerable amount of money and time, but we do it with the hope that these dogs will end up in good homes. As usual, we have a full house of cats and kittens. We are in need of a couple Kuranda cat beds. If you would like to donate a bed, you can do so on the website, At the top of the page is a “donate a bed” button. If you click on that, you can then find us by entering “Yellville, AR” for the location. These beds work out great for the shelter kids. This Friday and Saturday (the 20th and 21st), we are having a huge yard sale at the shelter. There will be some pawsitively awesome bargains and all sales help support the shelter. Plan to stop by and shop!
This week’s featured cat is Persephone. She is a little over a year in age and was one of the 3 momma cats abandoned at a house in Yellville with all their kittens. Persephone is a good looking torbie (tortoise/tabby) cat. She is affectionate, well socialized, outgoing, playful and healthy. Sometimes she likes relaxing in our catio, enjoying her protected outdoor time. Her kittens are weaned and she is ready to go to a loving home.
Moose is our featured dog, and as his name suggests he is a big boy. Moose is a very solid, 77 lb Labrador Retriever, slightly mixed with some hound breed which gave him those too cute chestnut freckles and spotted ears. He’s a healthy, well muscled boy of about 3-4 yrs., very exuberant in nature and quite active. He adores people and when he’s happy, not only his tail wags in greeting, but his entire hind end! This young guy would greatly benefit from some dog basic training as, in spite of his very good & loving nature, he doesn’t realize how big and strong he is, so he is a bit much for small children or frail or elderly persons right now. Moose came in as a stray from Summit Animal Control. Stop by to meet Moose and our other adoptable pets. Have a Heart is located at 657 Hiway 202 in Yellville. Hours are Tuesday thru Saturday 9am-3pm. Phone 870-449-7387