Pets Of The Week

Halloween has passed and it’s time to start getting ready for the upcoming holiday season. If this had been a normal year (as opposed to a messed up pandemic year) Have a Heart’s volunteers would be busy planning our Soup and Chili Dinner fundraiser. Unfortunately, the board made the difficult decision to cancel the event this year. The soup and chili dinner was the most successful of all our fundraising efforts and the Shelter will definitely miss the revenue from this event. In an effort to make up for lost revenue, we have held several yard sales this fall and will be holding one more yard sale this Friday and Saturday, November 6th and 7th. The weather looks like it will be a beautiful fall weekend. If you’re out driving around enjoying the fall foliage, please take a few minutes to stop by the Shelter and look for some bargains at our sale. We will also be setting up the “Winter Wonderland” in our Thrift Store in the next couple weeks. We always have a huge selection of nice holiday items. Be sure to shop early for the best selection.

            It was a good week for adoptions. Our Thrift Store kitty greeter, Janis Joplin, was adopted, as well as Bigfoot and Snowshoe, 2 of the polydactyl kittens. We have one more polydactyl kitty named Mittens who is available for adoption. Our pretty gray kitten, Phantom, is being fostered until he can be adopted permanently.  Lucky dogs Max and Cookie went to their fur-ever homes. Thanks to all our adopters for making rooms in their hearts and homes for these fur-babies.

            We have 2 featured kittens for this week. Meet Arnold (Schwarzenegger) and Chuck (Norris). They were the only two survivors of a litter that was washed out during a storm and their mommy didn’t want them anymore. They arrived at the Shelter when they were only about two weeks old.  These tiny tots were given larger than life names because they are survivors. They love each other and have been each other’s anchors. Since kittens do much better with a kitten friend, we would love for them to go a home together, but it’s not mandatory. They are former bottle babies that love kisses and cuddles and are full of energy!

            Cher Bear is the featured dog for this week. Cher Bear is a 10 month old, female Husky/Shepherd Mix.  She was surrendered by her owner who was unable to care for her and her brother.  Cher Bear weighs about 42lbs, walks well on a leash, gets along well with other dogs, and appears to be housebroken.  She has a sweet personality and is very loveable.  She has quickly learned to sit on command for treats and will make someone an excellent companion. The funny looking dog pictured with Cher Bear is not available for adoption.

You can meet Cher Bear, Arnold, Chuck and our other adoptable pets at Have a Heart located at 657 Highway 202 in Yellville. Regular hours are Thursday through Saturday. 9am to 3 pm. Phone 870-449-7387.