Greetings from everyone at Have A Heart Pet Shelter, both the two-legged ones (our volunteers) and the four-legged ones (the creatures we care for and are searching for good furever homes for)!
This week’s Dog of the Week is Myron!

Myron is a 3-4 month old Lab Mix. We are not sure what he is mixed with, but we are fairly certain it is something big since he has huge feet and currently weighs 34 pounds.
He has a sad story, but the world has gotten a whole lot better for him since the first of March.
Myron comes from a litter of four very sweet babies that were born in an animal control kennel in Poinsett County. The city they were in decided they would shoot them since they and their mama had been there past the length of time they should be. One of the rescues in that area that we regularly work with felt that if she could get them spayed/neutered maybe they wouldn’t kill them. So she brought them to one of our spay & neuter days and had them all fixed. She told us what she had done and was very concerned that she would take them back to that animal control facility only for them to be euthanized. This was way too much for us to handle, so we put all four of them in one kennel when we were already out of room and prayed that we could find them homes.
First off, these pups were terrified. They had never been away from their Mama and had not really been socialized. They huddled in a corner together fearing for their lives. It was one of the most heartbreaking situations you have ever seen.
But within a couple of days they realized we were not going to hurt them and they actually enjoyed going outside in a play yard together and getting to run and play the way a real dog should. They quickly learned to walk on leashes, became very sociable, and lovde to have the attention of all the volunteers. And you can imagine how much attention they get!
They are all four now ready for adoption. In fact, their sister was adopted this past week by a family who had adopted a dog from Have A Heart previously and they felt he needed a playmate. The three remaining boys have nothing to fear; we will find excellent homes for them where they will become cherished members of a new family. Sadly, we do not know the outcome of their Mama. The poor girl did not have a chance. If only someone would have realized that you can end the pain and suffering of lots of animals by spaying and neutering your pets. We will continue to spread that word.
This week’s Cats of the Week are April and Ellie May!

April and Ellie May are part of a litter of kittens that came in a few days after Valentine’s Day. They were born to a feral mom but were handled while they were being weaned so they are fully tame. Their date of birth is October 14, 2023, making them just over five months old.
April is a Seal Point Siamese and her sister, Ellie May, is a Gray Tabby. These girls are playful, beautiful, and can be adopted together or individually. The other three in-house from this litter are boys (two black kittens, one with a short tail, and a brown tabby with a short tail).
If you’d like to meet Myron, April, Ellie May or any of our other adoptables, please call the Shelter at 870/449-7387 or stop by at 657 Highway 202 West in Yellville during our normal business hours, Tuesday through Saturday, 9 am to 3 pm. Hope to see you soon!